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BBM Wellness

Ultrasound Fat Cavitation & RF Light Skin Tightening Treatments

What is Ultrasound fat Cavitation?


Ultrasound Cavitation is widely recognized as one of the most effective cellulite reduction and local fat loss technologies available today. This low frequency Cavitation is applied with my advanced treatment protocols and is the strongest and best cavitation treatment available today.


The Cavitation technology is not a miracle treatment, but if you suffer from cellulite or you want a non-surgical solution for local fat deposit reduction, it is one of the best single technologies you can possibly use to fight those skin problems. There is currently nothing better than Cavitation technology!


Furthermore, all my high-power Cavitation treatments are simultaneously combined with high-power vibration plate workouts specifically tailored to intensely target YOUR individual desired area of treatment. Each Cavitation and power plate treatment can then be followed by a high intensity personally designed cardio training session to yield maximum results. By using a mixture of various interval training and high intensity exercises, you will not only have completely used the fat that was released during treatment, you will also burn off extra calories to further aid in your fat loss goals. This unique treatment combination ensures that my clients receive the most powerful and comprehensive cellulite and fat reduction treatment available.


For the best results combine these therapies and protocols along with my fat cavitation specific, easy to follow, diet guidelines.




Permanently releases fat cells on the:


“Love handles” or flanks

“Saddle bags” or thighs


Upper arms

Inner knees

Male breasts



Skin’s texture

Body contouring and reshaping

Lymph and blood circulation

Cellulite therapy

Tightening of connective tissue

Increased effectiveness when combined with Lymph-Drainage

No surgery, no knives, no pain

No anesthesia


Advantages over other treatments:

• Non invasive treatment

• No need for hospitalization nor anesthesia

• No scars nor long term marking of the skin

• Very little discomfort

• Elimination of the fat through a natural process

• 20-60 min per session

• Affordable


Preparation before each treatment:

Drink at least 1.5 to 2 litters of water a day a week before your treatment.

Choose an area you wanted to treat and start moisturizing that area thoroughly everyday and at night.

Hydration will help make the treatment a lot more successful.


Protocol for two days afterwards:

Drink 8 glasses of water a day

No caffeine/ alcohol

Minimize or remove processed and junk foods

Liver support supplements

20-30 minutes of cardio


For more information on skin tightening 


Questions & Answers


What is the Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation treatment like?

The procedure starts with circumference measurement of the target body area, applies the ultrasonic device directly to specific areas of the skin after a gel is applied, continues with circular movements of the applicator over the treatment site, for a Combo session a Radio Frequency hand piece is used which is slowly rotated over the targeted area, transmitting radio waves to the skin heating it 40 to 50 degrees Celsius without burning the skin surface. The heat causes contraction of the collagen fibers to immediately tighten the skin. Then finalized with another circumference measurement. The duration of treatment session normally takes around 15-20 minutes each depending on the size of the area and the thickness of the fat layer Results can sometimes be noticed after the first treatment with more improvement noticed within a few days. 6 - 10 sessions at 3 days intervals are recommended in order to achieve an ideal result, but further treatments may be needed to attain your desired figure.


How does it feel during the Ultrasonic or RF treatment?

Most people feel the treatment is painless and comfortable. Some people may feel slight discomfort due to the specific noise spreading inside the body, but causes no, harm and disappears as soon as the applicator is moved away from body. You may also experience warmth during the treatment. If on the slim chance it gets too warm you can request, immediately some extra ultrasound gel to be applied.


What can be treated with the Ultrasound Fat Cavitation system?

Fat & Cellulite reduction Skin tightening and fat melting (combined with Radio Frequency) Body Sculpting What can be treated with Radio Frequency(RF)? RF is an effective way to improve skin tightness and elasticity, reduce wrinkles and cellulite, boosting the overall condition on areas of the body such as the face, chin, upper arm, abdomen, thighs, bra line or buttocks.


Who can have Ultrasound and RF treatments?

People who are generally healthy are safe to have the treatment. People with cardiac and vascular diseases, diabetes, acute illness, comprised liver function, severe bleeding tendencies, pacemaker carriers and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid undergoing the procedure


Is Ultrasound Cavitation & RF painful?

Cavitation and RF is a painless treatment. Mild redness may appear occasionally but will be highly unlikely to cause any actual pain. The heat from the hand pieces felt during the treatment is perfectly tolerable.


Is Ultrasound Cavitation & RF safe? Are there any side effects?

Ultra Cavitation is a safe, nonsurgical procedure without anesthesia, it is non-invasive, no cutting, no scars and no downtime should be experienced after the treatment. Due to specific ultrasound parameters of energy levels ensure selective damage to fat cells only and do not interfere with any other organs. There is no report of side effects for these treatments. However some people may experience transient redness, excessive thirst, and nausea immediately after the treatment which always resolves by drinking water. They are all short-term effects that will disappear shortly.


What can one expect with the results?

The cavitation treatment yields immediate and long lasting results. Ultra cavitation is a very effective procedure that requires only 6-10 treatments consisting of 15-20 minutes each. Most of the clients experience noticeable circumference reduction after a single session with increasing results after each visit. The results may vary with different tissue structure, treatment area, age, metabolism, medications, and changes in hormones. Proper diet and increased physical activity will certainly improve and help to maintain the results.


Which areas are suitable for the treatment?

Areas with localized fat such as thighs, abdomen, arms and buttocks where diet and exercise alone have not been able to get rid of are the most appropriate but there is no real limitation as to areas of the body.


Can Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation help you lose weight?

Cavitation is not a method to lose weight but to reshape the body. It is particularly indicated for the reduction of adiposity, like the famous “love handles” and "Mummy tummy". Ultrasonic cavitation can be considered a deep fat blaster that reduces stubborn fat cells that cannot be removed with exercise and diet alone.


What is the difference between ultrasonic fat cavitation and liposuction?

The Ultrasonic Cavitation has the similar result as liposuction. It removes cellulite and excess fat, preventing this from recurring in the treated areas, without damaging the vascular system. The procedure is painless and is very inexpensive compared to the thousands of dollars you could spend on liposuction.


How is the fat eliminated from the body?

The ultrasound cavitation causes an emulsification of fat, it ruptures fat cell membranes, thereby releasing its fat content, converting it into a substance easy to eliminate through sweat glands, the liver, and lymphatic system and will eventually eliminate through urine.


Do I need to follow any guidelines before or after undergoing ultrasound fat cavitation & RF?

Try to avoid doing anything that will irritate your skin immediately before treatment. This includes tanning (natural or artificial). It would be more likely to suffer pain from the addition of heat to the already damaged skin; however an established tan would be fine. Do not have a hot shower, bath or sauna right after the Ultrasound treatment. We recommend a low calorie diet with protein in each meal and drink at least a glass of warm water (not carbonated, sparkling water, pop, coffee) before and after the session. Drinking plenty of water and doing 30 minutes of intense cardio directly following treatment and on days in between treatments is the best way to insure lasting fat redistribution. Fat that is not used as energy is more likely to be reabsorbed into the fat cell. Cavitation will be best performed under high hydration conditions, avoid taking any caffeine or diuretics 2 days before therapy. Drinking a lot of water will help to improve your metabolism and increase urine output -- lipid metabolites release out of your body. A lymph-draining massage is also encouraged to improve the circulation and lymphatic system, which helps to drain fluids. For best results you should refrain from any alcohol consumption for 48 hours after the treatment. Alcohol consumption during this period may prevent your liver from removing the deactivated fat cells from your body (as the liver will assign priority to removing the alcohol from your blood). Maintain an un-stressful lifestyle also helps the body flush out the fat more efficiently.


How many times and how often should I have the treatments?

Ultrasound Cavitation: 6-10 sessions two times a week. Skin Tightening: 6-10 sessions two times a week. After the initial treatments are completed, maintenance treatments consist of one session each month for 4 months followed by one treatment every 4 months If it is for treatment, twice a week; for health protection, twice a month or even once a week. Nowadays more and more people come for preventive and rejuvenate treatments.



2010 BBM Wellness * Body Composition Specialist

BODY By Maddisen
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